Bontrager UNCONDITIONAL Guarantee.   Ride it and Love it...if not we will take it back.



The helmet is the piece of gear that has the biggest job. We carry road, mountain and city helmets that have you covered in a crash and are comfortable on every ride.


Clothing & Shoes

Premium jerseys and shorts that enable you to stand out on the road, hide from the wind or tear up the trail.



See and be seen. With top-notch optics, all-weather construction and long-lasting, ultra-bright LED luminance, Bontrager headlights and rear lights provide you with the visibility you need in daylight, low light and at night.

Daytime lights work


Floor & Mini Pumps

Properly inflated tyres are essential for both performance and safety. Take the chore out of routine tyre inflation with a quality bike pump. Designed to be ergonomic and accurate, each floor pump features a tyre pressure gauge and can be used on both Presta and Shrader valves.


Computers & GPS

Find the cycling computer or GPS system to help you get the most out of your ride. Keep a eye on ride info including GPS mapped route, speed, distance, cadence, heartrate and even power.


Waterbottles & Cages

Longer rides and hot days require hydration. We offer a variety of bike water bottles and bottle cages to keep fluids close at hand.

For help & assistance call us on 3355 0112 or email us

Find us

643 Samford Rd MITCHELTON Q 4053

Opening Hours

Monday                        Closed

Tuesday - Friday         9-5.30pm

Thursday                      9-7pm

Saturday                       9-4pm

Sunday                          Closed

Public Holidays           Closed


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